Need to save money? Check out these simulators for better decisions.
According to DECO PROteste on Notícias ao Minuto, there is a new website that aggregates simulators, allowing users to understand how they can save money on housing, fuel, and loans.
Saving with these products can be easier and immediate if you hire a credit intermediary: Talk to Poupança no Minuto, our intermediaries help you, free of charge, to lower installments! But first access the new platform to understand where you can save.
There is a new platform that aggregates savings simulators.
There is a new platform that guarantees savings that can exceed 1,000 euros. This was stated by DECO PROteste, as cited by Notícias ao Minuto. The website is called "Saber Poupar," and it is a "simulators aggregator for housing, fuel, energy, telecommunications, and banking costs," as stated.
Based on available information, through the new platform 'Saber Poupar' it is possible to simulate changes according to each person or household profile and verify which savings are predictable," according to the consumer defense organization.
The motto is "Knowledge is Power" and the main objective is "to reinforce its already recognized commitment to the defense of Portuguese consumers, through initiatives with real and positive impact on their lives, enhancing informed choices, but also providing the best recommendations for making the best decisions, with consequent impact on the monthly savings of each consumer," reads the news.
Additionally, DECO advances that "users can select areas of interest, enter data to characterize their profile, and access personalized solutions" and then, "in a few filling steps, the consumer finds out the total amount saved per year, being able to know the savings value in each of the areas selected by them and their respective recommendations".
"The utility of the platform is highlighted in the case of the Nunes family, who, following the tips from DECO PROteste, manages to save over €1,000 annually. From telecommunications tariffs to the current account, every detail is analyzed to maximize savings", you can read in the example in the news."
Savings is our middle name, and it's no coincidence! We also have simulators, so you can understand how you can save with your housing credit: Credit Simulator and Credit Transfer Simulator.
To save on this and other installments, Poupança no Minuto offers services that help you review conditions to pay less for your loans and insurance. Contact us and we will look at your case to see how to increase your budget!