What documents do I need to sell my house?
Are you going to sell your property and are lost amid paperwork? The necessary documents to gather for the sale of a house are still quite a few. Find out what they are, what each one represents, and where you can request them.
To sell your property, in addition to your identification documents, you will need to gather the following documentation: [URLs and HTML preserved].
- Real estate notebook.
The property registration, or property certificate, represents the identification document of a property. It is in this document that all characteristics of the house are found, such as location, areas, description, owners, and also fiscal information. In other words, by specifying the Taxable Asset Value (VPT) of the property, it is through this document that the Municipal Property Tax (IMI) to be paid is determined.
This notebook has a validity of 12 months, and can be requested either in person at any Tax and Customs Authority counter, or online, on the Finance Portal.
Property registration certificate
The land registry certificate houses all the history related to a property, such as previous owners, burdens, works, among other factors.
It can be requested in person at a Land Registry Office, or through online Land Registry. The cost depends on where it is requested, with a payment of 20 euros in person and 15 euros online. After issuance, this certificate can be consulted for six months.
Energy certificate
The energy certificate became a mandatory document in 2013 for the sale of a property and determines the energy efficiency of a house, from A+ (very efficient) to F (inefficient).
That is, it is in this document that you can find information about isolation, water, air conditioning and ventilation, as well as the improvements that can be made in the property in terms of energy.
The energy performance certificate fee may vary depending on certain factors. However, you will have to pay a fee between 35 and 65 euros, depending on the property type.
To proceed with the energy property evaluation, it is necessary to seek a qualified expert in your area of residence through the Qualified Experts Exchange of ADENE.
License of use
The operating license aims to identify the purpose of use of a certain property. That is, it determines whether the property is for housing, commerce, services, or industry.
To access this document, it must be requested at the respective City Council of the property's location.
You should also know that if the building or unit is before 1951 and has not been altered, expanded or rebuilt, it is exempt from submitting this document.
Technical data of the housing
The technical specification of a housing unit describes all the properties of a property in terms of technical and functional aspects.
This document must be prepared after construction, reconstruction, expansion, or alteration of the building.
However, if any of these renovations were carried out before March 30, 2004, or its housing license was requested before that date, this form is not required for the sale of the property.
Property floor plan
The floor plan of a property is where you can find information about the layout and areas of each room in the house. For example, if the property has spaces like a garage, storage room, or annexes, it should be shown in this document.
This document can be requested at the Municipal Chamber of the municipality where the property is located.
Declaration of no debt to the condo association
The non-debt statement to the condominium is a necessary document since April 2022, becoming mandatory before public deeds of real estate.
The purpose of this document is to inform the buyer about all charges related to the condominium of the fraction being acquired.
This means that if the property you are selling is located in a building with a condominium, you must provide this statement to the new owner 15 days before the deed, by registered mail.
After this statement is requested, the condominium has a 10-day deadline to issue it.
So, this is all the documentation you need gathered to be able to move forward with the sale of your property. To make sure nothing is missing, or get lost among so much paperwork and steps, you can always ask for help from a real estate consultant for the sale of your house.
The consultants at Casa no Minuto help make this process as quick and simple as possible. And the credit intermediaries at Poupança no Minuto take care of your entire housing credit process, with a free and simplified service.