Related to: "With the fall of the Government, what happens to the Young IRS and the public guarantee for buying a house?"

Nota euros simbolizando compra de casa por jovens garantia governo
Housing Credit Acquisition

Purchase of house by young people: Government will guarantee up to 15% of acquisition value.

The new measure is aimed at young people up to 35 years old and will ensure 15% of the purchase value of the house, up to 450,000 euros. Understand it better and find out when it takes effect.

23 May 20242 min

Garantia pública para aquisição de casa por jovens extingue-se assim que pagos os 15%
Housing Credit Acquisition

Public guarantee for the purchase of a home by young people expires after paying the 15% percent.

The details of the new public guarantee measure for up to 15% of the housing loan value for young people up to 35 years old are still being clarified by the Government. Understand how it will work in case of default.

29 May 20242 min

Prestações da casa continuarão elevadas, mesmo com garantia pública no financiamento?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Will home installments remain high even with public guarantee in financing?

Despite the government's public guarantee supporting young people in obtaining a home loan, the monthly payments on the loans can still be high. Find out analysts' opinions on this issue next.

18 Jul 20242 min

Compra de casa: Garantia pública tem de entrar em vigor, no máximo, até setembro
Housing Credit Acquisition

Buying a house: Public guarantee must come into force by September at the latest.

The measure that will allow young people to access 100% financing (public state guarantee) when buying a house has now been published in the Diário da República, so it must come into force in the next 60 days, that is, by September 10 at the latest. Understand more next.

11 Jul 20242 min

Financiamento a 100% no crédito habitação para jovens: Como funciona?
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% financing in housing credit available for young people can now be requested.

Young people can now apply to access 100% financing when buying a home with a mortgage, through the new public guarantee measure.

30 Sep 20242 min

Garantia pública na compra de casa não abrange casais com um só jovem até 35 anos
Housing Credit Acquisition

Public guarantee in home purchase does not apply to couples with only one person under 35 years old.

The public guarantee for home purchase aimed at young people will not be able to cover a couple of two young people, if one is over 35 years old.

13 Nov 20242 min

Garantia pública para 100% do crédito compromete critério da taxa de esforço
Housing Credit Acquisition

Public guarantee for 100% of credit compromises the debt-to-income ratio criterion.

The new measure of support for young people will make it easier to purchase property with credit for those who do not have savings for a down payment, but will increase the monthly payments and, consequently, the burden rate of borrowers.

09 Dec 20243 min

Taxas de esforço elevadas limitam acesso de jovens à garantia pública no crédito habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

High effort rates limit young people's access to public housing credit guarantees.

Young people's access to state-guaranteed housing credit has faced significant challenges, with the main obstacle being the high level of effort required to benefit from this support.

23 Jan 20252 min

Garantia pública no crédito habitação depende diretamente do valor financiado
Housing Credit Acquisition

Public guarantee in mortgage credit depends directly on the financed amount.

Public guarantee offered by the State in home loans is directly related to the amount financed by the bank.

31 Jan 20252 min

Crédito habitação jovem com garantia pública tem prazo máximo de financiamento?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Is there a maximum financing term for youth home loans with public guarantee?

Home loans for young people up to 35 years old with public guarantee have a maximum term for financing with the same rules as conventional home loans.

14 Feb 20252 min

Jovem a receber 1.100 euros poupa quase 10 mil euros de IRS em 10 anos

Young person receiving 1,100 euros saves almost 10,000 euros in IRS in 10 years.

Simulations conclude that a young worker starting a job in 2025, with a salary of 1,100 euros, will pay 9,924 euros less in IRS over 10 years compared to a taxpayer who does not have access to the new young IRS regime.

16 Oct 20242 min

OE2025: O que está previsto para o IRS jovem?

OE2025: What is planned for young IRS?

New proposal for the Young IRS in 2025 aims to encourage the insertion in the labor market and the autonomy of young people up to 35 years old, offering tax benefits that decrease progressively over ten years.

23 Oct 20242 min

Como funciona o novo regime de IRS Jovem?

How does the new Young IRS regime work?

Notice how the new Young IRS regime will work, with the changes imposed by the Government to benefit young people even more.

22 Jan 20252 min

IRS Jovem: Já pode pedir à entidade empregadora para aplicar a retenção com o desconto

IRS Young: You can now ask the employer to apply the withholding tax with the discount.

If you are covered by the Young IRS, know that, from now on, you can request the application of the withholding tax discount to the employer at any time.

24 Jan 20252 min

Como funciona a contagem dos anos para o IRS jovem?

How does the counting of years work for young IRS?

Better understand how the new youth IRS regime works and how years of work are counted to benefit from it.

26 Feb 20252 min