Related to: "Purchase of house by young people: Government will guarantee up to 15% of acquisition value."

Crédito habitação financiado a 100% e sem impostos até aos 35 anos: Perceba as medidas
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% financed home loan with no taxes until age 35: Understand the measures.

What does the new Government promise for young people's housing credit? 100% financing and tax exemption are the measures in question.

16 Apr 20243 min

Quarto com cama e quadros pendurados na parede simbolizando habitação para jovens
Housing Credit Acquisition

Are you young and looking for a house? The three government measures for housing.

If you are young and looking for a house to buy or rent, the Government has created a program "Build Portugal" that will facilitate access to housing for young people. Learn about the measures involved.

20 May 20242 min

Chaves douradas sob fundo laranja simbolizando habitação
Housing Credit Acquisition

Are you young? Check out these nine housing measures from the Government.

With its program "Building Portugal: New Housing Strategy", the Government aims to keep young people in the country by ensuring access to housing. Learn about these nine planned measures.

27 May 20242 min

Garantia pública para aquisição de casa por jovens extingue-se assim que pagos os 15%
Housing Credit Acquisition

Public guarantee for the purchase of a home by young people expires after paying the 15% percent.

The details of the new public guarantee measure for up to 15% of the housing loan value for young people up to 35 years old are still being clarified by the Government. Understand how it will work in case of default.

29 May 20242 min

Tudo sobre as novas medidas de apoio à habitação para jovens
Housing Credit Acquisition

All about the new housing support measures for young people.

The Government has in place several measures to support young people in buying a house. Understand all the measures in question.

29 Oct 20242 min

Prestações da casa continuarão elevadas, mesmo com garantia pública no financiamento?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Will home installments remain high even with public guarantee in financing?

Despite the government's public guarantee supporting young people in obtaining a home loan, the monthly payments on the loans can still be high. Find out analysts' opinions on this issue next.

18 Jul 20242 min

Compra de casa: Garantia pública tem de entrar em vigor, no máximo, até setembro
Housing Credit Acquisition

Buying a house: Public guarantee must come into force by September at the latest.

The measure that will allow young people to access 100% financing (public state guarantee) when buying a house has now been published in the Diário da República, so it must come into force in the next 60 days, that is, by September 10 at the latest. Understand more next.

11 Jul 20242 min

Financiamento a 100% no crédito habitação para jovens já pode ser pedido
Housing Credit Acquisition

100% financing in housing credit available for young people can now be requested.

Young people can now apply to access 100% financing when buying a home with a mortgage, through the new public guarantee measure.

30 Sep 20242 min

Garantia pública na compra de casa não abrange casais com um só jovem até 35 anos
Housing Credit Acquisition

Public guarantee in home purchase does not apply to couples with only one person under 35 years old.

The public guarantee for home purchase aimed at young people will not be able to cover a couple of two young people, if one is over 35 years old.

13 Nov 20242 min

Garantia pública para 100% do crédito compromete critério da taxa de esforço
Housing Credit Acquisition

Public guarantee for 100% of credit compromises the debt-to-income ratio criterion.

The new measure of support for young people will make it easier to purchase property with credit for those who do not have savings for a down payment, but will increase the monthly payments and, consequently, the burden rate of borrowers.

09 Dec 20243 min

Novas medidas crédito habitação: Como avançar com pedido ao banco?
Housing Credit Acquisition

New housing credit measures: How to proceed with a request to the bank?

Three measures are at stake, now approved by the Council of Ministers, to help Portuguese citizens with their housing credit installments: the reduction and stability of the installment for two years, the extension and simplification of credit bonuses, and the extension of the suspension of amortization commissions. Find out if you are eligible and how to apply.

25 Sep 20234 min

Reduzir prestação do crédito habitação: Transferência ou nova medida do Governo?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Reducing home loan installment: Transfer or new measure from the Government?

Faced with the new government measure to help Portuguese pay less for their home loan, it is important to analyze if it is worthwhile compared to other options available in the market. So, before activating this measure, let's see: Can you save more with a housing loan transfer?

09 Oct 20236 min

Novas medidas crédito habitação: É possível renegociar condições e estabilizar a prestação?
Mortgage Credit Renegotiation

New housing credit measures: Is it possible to renegotiate terms and stabilize the installment?

During the Government's search for solutions to help the Portuguese reduce their housing credit payments, some exceptional measures are already in place. One such case is the renegotiation of contracts with an effort rate exceeding 36% and the stabilization of the installment for two years (having to repay the differential amount later). But which one will compensate more? Can they be applied simultaneously?

16 Oct 20235 min

OE2024: O que se prevê na habitação e como se preparar
Housing Credit Acquisition

OE2024: What is expected in housing and how to prepare for it.

The measures for housing in 2024 have been strengthened and detailed in the new State Budget. We explain in this article what changes for the next year and how to prepare at the level of housing credit.

17 Oct 20237 min

Crédito habitação: Quanto posso poupar com as novas medidas e com transferência?
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Mortgage credit: How much can I save with the new measures and with transfer?

The measures announced by the Government to help the Portuguese with their home loans allow to slightly alleviate the amount they pay for the mortgage. But how much? And comparing with a home loan transfer, which option saves more? We explain, through concrete examples, the savings that can be generated by the various options.

17 Oct 20235 min