Related to: "Living in Portugal? Know the tax advantages for non-habitual residents."

Começar vida noutro país? 5 motivos para escolher Portugal como o seu novo lar
Housing Credit Acquisition

Starting life in another country? 5 reasons to choose Portugal as your new home.

If you are looking for a new country to welcome you for a fresh start in life, find out why Portugal can be the perfect choice.

11 Nov 20243 min

Portugal afirma-se como destino turístico ganhando 15 prémios no World Travel Awards
Housing Credit Acquisition

Portugal asserts itself as a tourist destination winning 15 awards at the World Travel Awards.

Braga, Madeira, Azores, Porto, and Lisbon were some of the Portuguese destinations that shined in the World Travel Awards.

26 Nov 20243 min

Portugal continua a atrair estrangeiros para comprar casa, mesmo sem incentivos fiscais
Housing Credit Acquisition

Portugal continues to attract foreigners to buy houses, even without tax incentives.

Even without tax incentives, such as the special 'gold visa' regime that was previously in place in Portugal, foreigners continue to look for houses to buy in the country, and according to the Association of Real Estate Professionals and Companies in Portugal (APEMIP), the forecast is that this will continue this year.

17 Feb 20253 min

Crédito habitação para estrangeiros: Quais os documentos necessários?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage for foreigners: What documents are needed?

Are you a foreigner thinking of getting a mortgage in Portugal? The process can be simple, as long as you are informed beforehand. Find out what may differ in terms for locals, and what documents banks may ask for.

11 Aug 20234 min

Crédito habitação para emigrantes: Quais as condições?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage credit for emigrants: What are the conditions?

As a Portuguese emigrant living abroad, it is possible to buy a property in Portugal. However, the housing loan conditions may vary slightly, depending on certain factors. But which ones?

22 Aug 20234 min

Dia Mundial da Poupança: Conheça 3 clientes que ajudámos a poupar em créditos e seguros
Mortgage Savings Credit

World Savings Day: Get to know 3 clients we helped save on loans and insurance.

Savings in a Minute's main purpose is to help customers save with their credits and insurance. Therefore, on World Savings Day, we show you 3 cases of customers we have assisted, who accessed the best proposals in their products, with our free services.

30 Oct 20235 min

Crédito habitação para estrangeiros e não residentes: Um guia para comprar casa em Portugal
Home Loans for Non-Residents

Mortgage for foreigners and non-residents: A guide to buying a house in Portugal.

If you are a foreigner and/or not a resident in Portugal and are looking to buy a house, check here for all the information you need.

29 Oct 20241 min

Prestações da casa continuarão elevadas, mesmo com garantia pública no financiamento?
Housing Credit Acquisition

Will home installments remain high even with public guarantee in financing?

Despite the government's public guarantee supporting young people in obtaining a home loan, the monthly payments on the loans can still be high. Find out analysts' opinions on this issue next.

18 Jul 20242 min

Procura de crédito habitação aumenta na zona euro no 2.º trimestre
Housing Credit Acquisition

Search for housing credit increases in the eurozone in the 2nd quarter.

Mortgage credit demand increased in the Eurozone in the 2nd quarter of 2024: a rise that hadn't occurred since 2022. Learn more about the numbers.

26 Jul 20246 min

Compra e venda de casa: Número de imóveis transacionados baixou (muito) em 2023
House Purchase

Buying and selling houses: Number of properties transacted decreased (a lot) in 2023.

The number of real estate properties that were transacted in 2023 was the lowest since 2017, having decreased by 18.7% compared to the previous year.

12 Aug 20241 min

Preço das casas aumentou 8,6% de 2022 para 2023

House prices increased by 8.6% from 2022 to 2023.

The median housing price rose from 2022 to 2023 by about 8.6%, to 1,611 euros/m2, with more significance in certain municipalities. Read the statistics more carefully next.

19 Aug 20242 min

Crédito habitação com Euribor? A sua prestação pode baixar (bastante) em agosto
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage with Euribor? Your installment can drop (quite a bit) in August.

August will bring relief, which can be significant, for those with housing loans linked to Euribor, in various terms. Find out how much in this article.

13 Aug 20242 min

Crédito habitação: Taxa de juro de novos contratos baixa pelo 9.º mês consecutivo
Mortgage Credit Transfer

Home loan: Interest rate on new contracts decreases for the 9th consecutive month.

It is the 9th time that the average interest rate on new credit contracts has decreased, dropping to 3.68% last June. Check out the statistics, then.

21 Aug 20242 min

Taxa de juro nos créditos habitação diminui pelo 6.º mês consecutivo
Housing Credit Acquisition

Interest rate on home loans decreases for the 6th consecutive month.

The implicit interest rate on home loans in July decreased for the 6th consecutive month to 4.487%. Read the data.

27 Aug 20242 min

Crédito habitação: 74% dos novos empréstimos contratados com taxa mista
Housing Credit Acquisition

Mortgage Credit: 74% of new loans taken out at mixed rate

The data from BdP is clear: three quarters of new housing credits contracted in the month of July were contracted with the mixed interest rate regime. Check out the numbers.

10 Sep 20242 min