Save on IRS? Don't forget to validate the invoices.
There are several steps you need to take in order to save on next year's IRS: find out which ones.
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Remember to validate invoices on e-Fatura platform.
In order to benefit from the maximum deductions in IRS, you can now validate your invoices on the Finance Portal.
The alert is given by the Tax Authority (AT) on their social networks so that taxpayers can have access to the maximum refund (or easing of payment, if applicable) of this tax.
"You have validated your invoices? We remind you that to benefit from the respective deductions in the 2023 IRS, you should validate your invoices on the e-invoice portal," reads the AT's Facebook.
The fewer outstanding invoices you have on the E-fatura from the Finance Portal, and the more you validate, the higher the IRS refund can be.
This year, the calendar for the deadlines for submitting the IRS in 2024 has not been released yet, but usually you have until February to validate all your invoices.
So, don't forget! Set reminders and push the process forward as much as you can.
Before validation: Must request invoices with taxpayer number.
Reminding: In order to validate invoices, you must first enter your tax identification number in transactions you make.
For example, when shopping at the supermarket, ask for the receipt to be issued with your taxpayer number.
Only then will these invoices appear in your e-Invoice on the Finance Portal, so you can validate them.
This is one way to save on your IRS, increasing the refund or decreasing the amount you will have to pay, depending on the situation.
In case you want to save on credits and/or insurance, you can count on our help. The credit intermediaries of Poupança no Minuto help you, at no cost, to renegotiate the conditions of your contracts and transfer the products to new entities, all so that you can lower your monthly payments. Contact us to learn more!