Comissões bancárias elevadas? Saiba até quanto podem custar no crédito habitação

High bank commissions? Find out how much they can cost in housing credit.

According to a study, Portuguese people feel dissatisfied with the cost of bank commissions currently. In the case of wanting to buy a house, find out how much this cost can represent in mortgage credit.

22 Dec 20232 min

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Mortgage credit? Look no further, talk directly to us! Credit intermediaries from Poupança no Minuto can help you immediately. But if you first seek information, then read about the cost of bank commissions.

High bank fees? Portuguese people say so.

Portuguese people complain that bank fees are increasingly high, with almost half stating they pay up to 60 euros annually, and 26% between 60 and 120 euros.  

The study is conducted by Nickel and Data E, and shared by Notícias ao Minuto. The data reflects the dissatisfaction of the Portuguese with bank costs, as more than half of the respondents (55%) are unhappy, and 61% consider the commission amounts to be high. 

Although less than 2% claim to pay more than 120 euros annually to the bank in commissions, and more than one in five do not pay any commissions at all, the data conclude a general dissatisfaction.

In a statement, Nickel's CEO, João Guerra, explains that bank fees are "a recurring issue", but justified by concerns about bank profitability.

Bank commissions on home loans: How much do they cost?

Want to buy a house using a mortgage and are now facing the issue of bank commission costs in this process? Find out how much they can represent.

In addition to all the capital that must be available initially to buy a house with a mortgage (amount of the percentage not lent by the bank and taxes), banks also charge processing fees.

Within these values, you must pay bank commissions such as the evaluation commission, the account opening commission, the process study commission, and formalization.

Note that these costs vary depending on each bank. In order to know which bank has lower costs, you can use a credit intermediary.

The service of credit intermediaries, such as Poupança no Minuto, is free and allows accessing various credit proposals from different banks so that you can compare costs and conditions, and choose the best simulation for you.

Know that intermediaries accompany you throughout the hiring process, mediating communication and necessary bureaucracy with banks, so you do not feel abandoned in a procedure that can be complex.  

If you are looking to hire a home loan, contact Poupança no Minuto and save time (and money)!


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